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Browse the MagnetHarts Store, where you can find unique apparel and accessories created using Magnet's artwork. With every purchase, you have the option to receive the NFTs of the artworks used to create your items. Below are examples of the NFTs that come with the corresponding items. Designs often appear on more than one item, so enjoy finding the styles for you! 




Thank you for stopping by, neighbor. Let me introduce myself. 


I spent years as a professional in a field that ran against the grain of my instincts. I had finally found a perfect fit with a leader I admire, but alas, it was too good to last. Eventually and all at once, for reasons outside of my control, I was forced to change course. Then, I did what most people never get the opportunity to-- shed my skin and start over. Now I'm combining my loves of art, fashion, and Web3 technology to innovate while I create. 

I enjoy using colorful abstract imagery to weaponize curiosity in a way that enables the viewer to lose their bearings. I am inspired by the microscopic, the hidden worlds in textures, and the playfulness between natural and manmade patterns. My work includes different collage styles, comprised of my own digital art, 3D rendering, amateur photography, AI generative software, vintage props, improvisation, and humor.  


Browse the galleries, visit the shop, and connect using the social media links at the top. One day maybe I'll start posting my progress learning the theremin, too. You never know! So sign up for email updates and expect some surprises in there for you! 


Most of all, enjoy the colors. 

Sincerely and yours, 


P.S. Aren't easter eggs fun? 

abstract self portrait
staircase raw v1.jpg


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